Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Avery Binders free after rewards at Staples this week

Here's another great Staples deal for this week. Until Jan 8th when you buy any Avery binder Staples will return the money paid in the form of Staples rewards. Limit of 4 per customer. Do not use Staples Rewards or coupons to buy these though as the amount reimbursed will be after those are taken into account.

Here's the small print on the staples rewards. Sign up in store before you shop. 
Staples Rewards are issued monthly when the value of the Reward is at least $10. Monthly balances of less than $10 will roll over each month until the minimum is met for that calendar quarter. If the $10 minimum for the quarter has not been met, the balance will expire at the end of the quarter.

Redeem your Rewards any way you'd like - online at, over the phone at 1-800-333-3330 or in any Staples® store by the expiration date.

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